It occurs to me that I haven’t really talked politics in a while. Partly because I haven’t really felt compelled to. You might have thought I’d take a crack at the whole Rev. Wright fiasco, but I figured that pretty much everyone else and their unborn children had already mouthed off on that enough. One more voice is just redundant.

But I couldn’t help but throw back on my pseudo-political thinking cap when Jesse directed me towards this article from The New Republic:

Its title is: No Really, You Should Go. Which pretty much sums up what’s going on in the Democratic campaign right now. Pretty much the entire respected (and disrespected) American press is salivating over the stunning collapse of Hillary Clinton. Now, I am highly aware of all of the sensationalism and hyperbole that goes into so much political writing these days. But everyone has to have their angle, I suppose, and it seems that just about everyone’s angle (except for that one Maureen Dowd piece), is calling for Hillary’s head. Or concession, rather.

Either way it seems that all of us not for Hillary (which is to say, all of us against Hillary) are getting some kind of sick pleasure out of her demise. Mark Penn resigns. Teehee. Superdelegates switching sides. Mua ha ha.

You could point to a lot of different reasons for this venom, but I think it’s pretty simple. It’s the joy of the symbolic destruction of old-school feminism. Yes, the feminist movement of the 60’s and 70’s did wonders for women in America. I am a product of that progress. And I do believe that, yes, in fact, women are equal to men. But one of the huge problems I have with traditional feminism is that there is a denial of and almost repulsion to a woman’s natural power. Her sexual side. Her maternal side. The sexual side clearly has no place in politics, but I think it’s the utilization of the maternal aspect, both nurturing and authoritative, that makes a woman a good authority figure. And Hillary just doesn’t have that.

Or maybe she does. Maybe she’s just a cold hard bitch. With a terrible sense of humor. Old-school feminists really need to take a step back. “I just think it would be great to have a woman president,” you might hear a middle-aged white woman say. I agree with you, lady. But HER?? REALLY?!

I do kind of feel bad for her. She’s really trying SO HARD. It’s hard out here for a chick. Especially a chick with no social grace who PISSES EVERYONE OFF.

I’m reminded of a delightful song by Nellie McKay called “Mother of Pearl”, which speaks to some of what I’ve just talked about. Here are the lyrics. The music makes them even better.

Feminists don’t have a sense of humor
Feminists just want to be alone (boo-hoo)
Feminists spread vicious lies and rumor
They have a tumor on their funny bone

They say child molestation isn’t funny
Rape and degradation’s just a crime (lighten up, ladies)
Rampant prostitution, sex for money (what’s wrong with that)
Can’t these chicks do anything but whine

Dance break
(Take it off)

They say cheap objectification isn’t witty, it’s hot
Equal work and wages worth the fight (sing us a new one)
On demand abortion, every city (okay, but no gun control)
Won’t these women ever get a life

Feminists don’t have a sense of humor (poor Hilary)
Feminists and vegetarians
Feminists spread vicious lies and rumor
They’re far too sensitive to ever be a ham
That’s why these feminists just need to find a man

I’m Dennis Kucinich, and I approve this message

Take a note from Nellie, Hillary. Bill’s clearly not cutting it. Get a man on the side. Preferably someone a bit younger. Keep it hush-hush. You’ll be happier.

(I kid, you know. I kind of like feminism. Kind of.)