“Nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of voices calling for change.”

 Whether you like it or not, and whatever the outcome of this election, Barack Obama is touching and will touch the course of history.

Say whatever you want about this video being “manipulative” or “contrived”. Of COURSE it’s manipulative. Of COURSE it’s contrived. It’s fucking MEDIA, that’s the POINT. But words are powerful. Music is powerful. Celebrities, whether we like it or not, are powerful. Stop the cynicism and detachment and LET YOURSELF BELIEVE. I’ve already said so much about this to people around me. And I’m tired. All I know is that I believe in Barack Obama, and I believe in our country with Obama in control. I haven’t been able to say that since I’ve been old and intelligent enough to say that and be able to–reasonably well–back it up.

This video is essentially everything that I’ve wanted to believe, think and feel about our country and Barack Obama in the past year (I’ve been 100% behind Obama since around the turn of the year ’07) condensed into four minutes and thirty seconds of genuine, earnest, unabashed (dare I say it?) HOPE. Whatever your political inclination, you can’t tell me that this clip doesn’t inspire you. That’s just bullshit.